Washington Post: Eisenhower Paratroopers
The Eisenhower Memorial sculptures by Sergey Eylanbekov installed at the Eisenhower Memorial site in Washington D.C.
Eisenhower Memorial sculptures by Sergey Eylanbekov shown in Italy before departing to Washington, D.C.

©SergeyEylanbekov: All Rights Reserved

©SergeyEylanbekov: All Rights Reserved
Sculptor Sergey Eylanbekov, in collaboration with Frank Gehry, has designed the sculptures that will constitute an integral part of the Memorial Core of D.D.Eisenhower Memorial for Washington, D.C.
Memorial Website: Eisenhower Memorial
Memorial Sculptor: Sculptor
Dispatches From The Eisenhower Memorial Commission : Meet the Creative Team
GENERAL’LY SPEAKING :Creation of the Eisenhower Memorial Sculptures – Clay
GENERAL’LY SPEAKING :Creation of the Eisenhower Memorial Sculptures – Bronze
Creation of the Eisenhower Memorial Sculptures – Clay – Sculptor Sergey Eylanbekov
Creation of the Eisenhower Memorial Sculptures – Bronze – Sculptor Sergey Eylanbekov
Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Groundbreaking Ceremony